For once in my life, let me be free
Let me scream in joy, like a horde of celebrating spectators
Let me rise up so high, look down upon the self-engrossed world
Let me experience the joy of dancing underneath the azure sky, dancing like no one's watching
Let me watch the enchanting colours of a rainbow, let me see His works of art
Let me go places, see the unseen, feel the untouched, perpetual peace
Let me throw my hands up, swirl with the gushing wind, flee and take off like the ascending plane
Let me sabotage malicious thoughts, break a leg, spread a round of cheer
Let me love, be loved unconditionally
Let me fly up high, have a bird-eye view, observe ‘Creator-style’
Let me squirm down low, have a worm-eye view, get a new perspective
Let me swing on the branches of trees, hooting incessantly like a primitive
Let the adventure terminate into a dive in a waterfall, like I have always wished
Let me learn from nature the joy of giving, the art of living, cherishing
Let my wishes be fulfilled, let my heart beat loud, let a stupor of joy take over
Let this world be ludicrously in love with itself, let the sun never set upon it.....